A psychological 'crisis' or.......

A few weeks ago I watched this wonderful documentary ‘crazy wise’ (you can see the trailer below) and it has stayed close to me ever since.

It looks at the different lens that we look at these symptoms of psychological crises in the western world compared with indigenous worlds both past and present. In todays western world these crises are often linked with ‘disorders’ or ‘diagnoses’ as we look to categorise the symptoms of what appears on the surface. In indigenous cultures it’s more likely that it would be a sign that you were sensitive to your environment and you would potentially be earmarked for an important role within the group like a shaman.

Have a watch of the trailer below and let me know what you think :)

In Compassionate Inquiry and my work with individuals and families it’s my intention to really treasure this sensitivity and come along side it. If you’re curious to find out more then please get in touch here mail@joeatkinson.co.uk